Core Resources Extension

Track core resources to reveal your eating habits

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Most people don’t keep track of their eating habits. For example, I can’t even remember what I ate yesterday, let alone what I ate a week ago. This is what the Core Resources Extension does best.

What is the Core Resources Extension (CRE)?

CRE is an extension for the Wellness System. It tracks your eating habits by revealing your most and least eaten foods. Making changes to your diet then becomes easy. It’s very simple to maintain but it doesn’t happen without a little effort.

First, create a table with two columns in Google Sheets or Excel. Next, upon eating something, add it to the table and increment the “cycle” column. This will keep track of every time you eat this particular resource. Once accumulating enough data, create a chart to track your progress.

Using Core Resources to reveal your habits

As you can see in this chart, the most frequented resource is spinach and the second is beef. The resources near the top are called your “core resources” and are the resources you consume the most. Also, see that the data takes on the form of a curve. That is natural and means your eating habits are organic instead of mechanical. 

Now that your habits have been revealed, start to make changes by modifying your eating patterns. As the data grows, your Core Resouces will grow along with it. Remove a resource at any time or reset the data by starting over with a fresh table. This is helpful for core resources you no longer eat.

You can download the Wellness System here at the second download button:

CRE is located on the “Extensions” tab at the bottom. The table below (and in the graph above) is an example of CRE.

Tomato Sauce12
White Mushrooms10
Orange Juice9
Caramel Chocolate Nut Roll9
Bean Sprouts6
Milk, Whole5
Bell Peppers5
Sea Bass4
Oatmeal (not instant)4
Portobello Mushroom4
Light Champagne Dressing4
Cottage Cheese3
Meatless Bites3
Madras Lentils3
Romaine Lettuce3
Tomatillo (5)3
Gorgonzola Cheese2
Shredded Wheat2
Green Beans2

The Expression (Metrics) of a Resource

By now you’ve probably been asking yourself, “What’s with all the green and red squares?” Well, each square, or metric, tells you something meaningful about the resource that it belongs to. The expression and Metrics are at the heart of TWS. In fact, I created metrics first and then went back and uncovered the math behind it. The expression is the behavior of a resource. If the components are like the DNA of a resource, the expression is the physical manifestation. It is composed of 4 factors that are derived from formulas taken from the relationships between various components.

How do you determine the factors for a resource? You can use the following formulas to do so. In your system worksheet, make sure the expression is an actual formula instead of just a static number. Once you do this once, you should be able to reuse it for all other resources.

The Fiber Metric

By dividing the number of Calories by the amount of fiber, you will obtain a number that will help determine the overall fiber value of the resource. You can use this number when trying to decide between closely related resources. This is used to maximize fiber and minimize Calories. For example:

The F for 1 Nutrition Bar is 220 Cal/14g Fiber: 220/14 = 15.7F

This bar would be considered an overall great source of fiber value; anything less than 50F is an overall good choice. We can also tell how this nutrition bar compares to other bars in the grocery store, so you can get the bar with the highest fiber value. If there are no Calories, the F bottoms out at zero, and if there is no fiber, it is undefined.

The Protein Metric

By dividing the number of Calories by the amount of protein, you will obtain a number that will help determine the overall protein value of the resource. You can use this number when trying to decide between closely related resources. This is used to maximize protein and minimize Calories. For example:

The P for 1 Nutrition Bar is 220 Cal/13g Protein: 220/13 = 16.9P

This bar would be considered an overall great source of protein value; anything less than 30P is an overall good choice. We can also tell how this nutrition bar compares to other bars in the grocery store, so you can get the bar with the highest protein value. If there are no Calories, P bottoms out at zero, and if there is no protein, it is undefined.

The Wholeness Metric

By aggregating the F and P, you will obtain a number that will help determine the overall wholeness and nutritional value of the resource. You can use this number when trying to decide between closely related resources. This can also be used to maximize overall value and minimize nutritional incompleteness. For example:

The W for 1 Nutrition Bar is: 15.7F + 16.9P = 32.6W

This bar would be considered an overall great source of wholeness; anything less than 80W is an overall good choice. We can also tell how this nutrition bar compares to other bars in the grocery store, so you can get the bar with the highest overall nutritional wholeness. If either F or P are undefined, the W is also undefined.

The Energy Metric

By dividing the number of Calories by the amount of mass or quantity, you will obtain a number that will help determine the overall energy density of the resource. You can use this number when trying to decide between closely related resources. This is used to minimize high-Calorie foods or balance them out by pairing them with low-Calorie foods. For example:

The E for 1 Nutrition Bar is 100 Cal/25g: 100/25 = 4E

This bar would be considered too energetic to be eaten by itself; anything less than 1E is an overall good choice. We can also tell how this nutrition bar compares to other bars in the grocery store, so you can get the bar with the lowest energy density. If there are no Calories, the E bottoms out at zero, and if there is no quantity, it is undefined.

There are five main considerations to E, namely protein, sugar, oil, alcohol, and mass. These variables give you a formula for a quick estimation of E.

The way to read and understand this expression is as follows:

E = energy value, p = protein, s = sugar, o = oils, a = alcohol, m = mass

When E is low, p, s, f, and a also tend to be low, except for m which tends to be high. On the other hand, when E is high, p, s, f, and a tend to be high, except for m which tends to be low. That means that people who have high energy value eat small amounts of protein, sugar, fat, alcohol, and large amounts of mass like water. Similarly, people who have a low energy value eat large amounts of protein, sugar, fat, alcohol, and small amounts of mass like water.

You can see all 4 metrics in the figure below. A metric is either green or red depending on whether it meets the defined threshold. Metrics use thresholds instead of ranges. TWS thresholds are all inversely proportional. This means that lower numbers have higher values. You can see below that the first 3 metrics are below threshold and the last is not:

The Metrics Become the Wellness Formula

Using the four metrics above, we can blend them together into a system of literal equations. This system of equations is called The Wellness Formula and is at the fundamental core of each resource. Each resource has 4 components which are just inputs fed into the system. But once that happens, the system comes alive. Mathematically, the system emerges from the metrics:

In the first line, we see the basic relationships between the amounts of fiber, protein, and Calories. Then we add both of those equations together to understand the relationship between the first two metrics. The third equation defines W as a higher order metric, or rather a metric made of metrics. To simplify all this information, it is written in a straight-forward, user-friendly form.

The second equation in the formula, which is also the fourth metric, is already in simplest form:

Then we can group these simple equations together as a system:

This formula defines the operations that are performed on the components of each resource and is therefore responsible for the values of each metric. W tells us about the nutritional information of the resource, and E tells us about the leanness and energy density. Each equation operates independently from one another but says something unique about the resource in question.

Let’s do a very simple example of using The Wellness Formula:

Using the components f, p, and c, fill in the variables and solve for W:

Using the remainder of the components (m), solve for E:

Now we have a solution to each equation in the Wellness formula. Even though this resource doesn’t exist, we can still infer information about it for example, this imaginary resource is complete (has a solution for both sub-equations), it is very high in nutrition, and has an elevated E which indicates the presence energy. Since this doesn’t normally happen for a singular resource in nature, we can conclude that this must be a sandwich or a salad.

The Threshold Formula

Part of the basics of The Wellness System is the usage of thresholds and non-linear functions. It uses thresholds as a means of expressing desirable or undesirable behavior. One metric that is above a threshold is not a problem, however when every resource in your formation is red, that’s a clear indicator that you need to rethink your meal.

When working in your worksheet, it can be overwhelming with all the numbers flying around. So, I created the threshold formula to help you visualize the properties and the metrics of a resource. The Threshold formula is an auxiliary system of equations, part of The Wellness System, designed to help you make sense of all the data you are working with.

In each equation, the variable t represents a corresponding metric’s value. Also, every initial number is the threshold for that particular metric. Here is an example of reducing the threshold formula:

As you can see, this resource is undesirable. It is over threshold in every single metric, even though not by much. However, mixing it with a more desirable resource could make it more desirable.

Lets try out using the Wellness formula and the threshold formula with, say, bean sprouts:

First we solve for W by using the information on the nutrition label (c, f, p):

Next E. We solve for E by using the nutrition label as well (c, m):

Now we determine the threshold factors:

Initially, W and E have to be solved before we can begin to make inferences about the sprouts. After W and E are solved, we can begin to determine the threshold factors. First, we plugin the values for each t according to each threshold. Second, we solve for each equation and determine the threshold factor for each metric. This gives us a lot of detail about each metric instantly, i.e. all the metrics are under threshold (all positive), W has the highest score, this resource has twice as much fiber value as protein value, etc.

Comparative Analysis

You don’t have to apply both equations or use the threshold formula in order to make inferences about the component information. For example, you can use W to compare canned goods at the grocery store. Or you can use E to uncover which meat is leaner. But for example, we are going to perform a complete comparative analysis on these two protein shakes.

Evaluate the nutrition label on the left:

Evaluate the nutrition label on the right:

Now we can compare and analyze. I added the threshold formulas as well:

Now, this starts out a little deceptive. For any calorie counter, they would look at both and see that they both have the same number of calories. So they might think it’s a toss up and choose the one that looks more enticing. But there is useful information hidden in the label that TWS will bring out.

Looking at the Wellness formulas, the left has a high W which indicates very low nutritional value. The E is about average. The right has a lower W which indicates a higher nutritional value, and E is .4 which is about normal. Just by looking at the Wellness formulas, we can tell which is a better choice; the right one.

Just for fun, lets add the threshold formulas into the mix. Looking at the left thresholds, we can now see why the W is so high. The fiber value is 110 above threshold which pushes the W up to 90.6 above threshold. The protein value is not impressive, it’s close to threshold, and the E is normal.

When comparing resources, the difference between the two values for W will give you a gap between the value and the threshold. This is what the threshold formula measures. Secondly, the difference between the two values for E will give you a gap between the values and the threshold. You can then make an inference based on the two values.

Sometimes a component can be zero causing W to be infinite. For example, fiber is zero for meat resources. When fiber or protein is zero, the corresponding F or P is infinite. We can show that this is the case by decreasing the amount further and further towards zero and the result is a metric that grows higher and higher. So the actual metric for a zero fiber or protein amount is infinity.

This presents a challenge with W since it is the sum of F and P. If F or P is infinite, W is also infinite. For infinity plus a normal integer is infinity. Resources that have an infinite W are called incomplete and are usually sorted by the E instead of the W. This is why a map structure has two lists, one for complete resources (W is finite) and the other for incomplete resources (W is infinite).

You can still use incomplete resources for the value they contain. For example, meats are incomplete however they usually have some of the highest protein value of any resources. You don’t have to worry about division by zero in the components. A component that is zero will simply aggregate to zero.

If the number of Calories is zero and the fiber, protein, and mass are non-zero, the expression is all zeros. This rarely happens since the presence of protein has Calories. More common is when the mass is non-zero and Calories, fiber, and protein are all zero. This creates infinity in F, P, and W and zero in the E. This is the signature of water.

Here is a resource that has zero fiber and therefore an infinite F and W:

Notice how this resource still has useful information even though W is infinite; we know that E is .54 which is below threshold and that P is 5 which is way below threshold. So, even though egg whites have an infinite W, they are a fantastic choice for protein value and energy value.

The Wellness System Structures

The Wellness System is the mathematical underpinning for the calculators on this site. Structures are what give The Wellness System meaning. When you use the calculators, you are creating structures, namely a formation or a grid. By creating structures, you are able to organize and understand information with regard to your eating habits. There are 6 types of structures and each serves a purpose and bears a mathematical underpinning.

  • The Resource – the most basic structure, used as a building block
  • The List – the simplest multi-resource structure, used for resource access or analysis
  • The Formation – the structure intended for tracking
  • The Definition – the structure used to nest resources and save space
  • The Grid – the structure used for daily tracking and grazing
  • The Map – a double list structure organized by W and E used for resource reference and importation

Structures also have a behavior that allows us to analyze them in an organic manner. We can analyze lists and make generalizations about their contents. We can analyze formations which allows us to balance the composite. We can analyze grids which helps us to understand daily habits. We can analyze maps that tell us the nature of its resources.

The Resource Structure

“Resource” is a convenient way of saying “food” or “drink”. It is also the simplest, lowest-level structure in TWS. If the system is your body, the cell is a resource. Even though it can be divided into pieces, the resource is considered to be fundamental. The resource is an axiom. It is considered to be true since it is made of basic parts. The parts of a resource are:

  • Designation – the name of the resource
  • Components – the amounts of mass, Calories, fiber, and protein
  • Expression – the 4 metrics derived from the relationships between the components

A resource looks like this (open in new tab):

Resources are generally not accompanied by a header row, because they are never seen out of the context of a higher structure. However, for the sake of clarity, this graphic shows you the header information.

The List Structure

The list is a structure used for grouping resources and analysis. It is the simplest way to piece resources together and create a form of analysis through sorting. A list can reveal which resources are better with certain parameters. For example, a map sorts according to the W and the E. A list is most commonly used to group resources together. It is also used to create studies and proofs. The parts of a list are:

  • Header – designation (named or unnamed) and list parameters
  • Collection – a group of resources
  • Sort (optional) – parameter used for organizing the list

This is what a list looks like (open in new tab):

The Formation Structure

The formation is a structure designed for tracking. It is similar to the list, however it has a row at the bottom called the “composite” that is an aggregate of the list above. A formation tells you the estimated overall impact a group of resources has. It also serves as a form of analysis. If your composite is unbalanced, you should go back and analyze the collection, fixing problems until the composite is balanced. The parts of a basic formation are:

  • Header – designation (named or unnamed) and formation parameters
  • Collection – a group of resources
  • Composite – a row used for aggregating the collection and analysis

A formation is generally not sorted. This is what a basic formation looks like (open in new tab):

There are two other types of formations that are used for portioning and meal planning. A portioned formation has any number of “tags” that apply a factor to the formation’s composite. This is useful for portioning a recipe like cookies. The parts of a portioned formation are:

  • Header – designation (named or unnamed) and formation parameters
  • Collection – a group of resources
  • Tags – any number of factors applied to the composite (usually scale down). They live right under the composite.

This is what a portioned formation looks like (open in new tab):

Second, a portioned list formation is a formation with a repeated set of components. The components are copied under the composite and the factor is applied to each component. This is useful in portioning for multiple people. The parts of a portioned list formation are:

  • Header – designation (named or unnamed) and formation parameters
  • Collection – a group of resources
  • Composite – a row used for aggregating the collection and analysis
  • Portion Row – a row that declares the portion amount
  • Portioned Components – the components that have been multiplied by the portion amount

This is what a portioned list formation looks like (open in new tab):

The Definition Structure

The definition is designed for nested resources and reuse. If you find yourself copying and pasting large numbers of the same resources, creating a definition makes sense to save space and effort. The parts of a definition are:

  • Header – designation (named or unnamed) and definition parameters
  • Collection – a group of resources
  • Composite – a row used for aggregating the collection and analysis
  • Seed – a row designed for copying and pasting into other structures

This is what a definition looks like (open in new tab):

The Grid Structure

The grid is a structure designed for tracking daily resources. It also simplifies the composite by aggregating the whole day into one global composite; formations, on the other hand, must be tallied in order to determine the global composite. Also, the grid has spaces between resources and resource groups signifying the passage of time. Therefore, it helps you analyze your habits by being organized chronologically. The parts of a grid are:

  • Header – designation (named or unnamed) and grid parameters
  • Collection – a group of resources, resource groups, and spaces (sorted chronologically)
  • Composite – a row used for aggregating the collection and analysis
  • Seed – a row designed for copying and pasting into other structures

This is what a grid looks like (open in new tab):

The Map Structure

The map is the largest-scale structure, organized as a double list. The first is sorted by W and the second by E. The map is designed for reference. Those at the top are complete because they do not have division by zero. Those at the bottom are incomplete because they have natural division by zero. One list isn’t better than the other. We need complete resources and we need incomplete resources. The parts of a map are:

  • Header – designation (named or unnamed) and map parameters
  • Collection 1 – a group of resources organized by W
  • Collection 2 – a group of resources organized by E

The resources map is designed to be read-only which means you can copy but you can’t modify. The personal resources map is designed to be modifiable.

This is what a map looks like (open in new tab):

The Wellness System and Calculators

Once you understand the map structure, you will be able to use the smart and the energy calculators. These calculators are sorted according to the W factor or the E factor or both so you will be able to use the sort range as a means of choosing the resources you want to consume. If you want to use The Wellness System in addition to the calculators, you can find it at It is more powerful than the calculators but it is also more work.


A reinforcer is a special kind of resource that is extremely nutrient dense. Use them to augment and boost the nutrition in your meals. A typical meal might need whole wheat tortilla (fiber value and protein value), blackberries (fiber value), or water (energy value) in order to be below threshold. You can see the list of reinforcers on the site here:

Smart Calculator

With the smart calculator, use the sort order itself to help decide what to eat. Simply choose resources near the top of their resource group. For example, pick the veggies with the smallest WF and meats with the smallest EF first. In this way, choose based on nutritional value instead of name or preference. By selecting nutrition, less nutritious foods can be added to gain energy. For example, below is a powerhouse breakfast and it’s only 391Cal. The nutrition comes mostly from the quesadilla and the energy comes mostly from the egg and the juice. Visit the Smart Calculator here:


Animal Products and Cheese

When it comes to animal products (or fibreless resources), we cannot sort them according to their W factor since it is infinite. So instead, we sort according to the E factor or energy density. Since fat has more calories per gram, this tends to create a cascade from lean to fatty. Looking at cheese, you can see how the leaner cheeses give way to the fattier ones. Use this analysis next time you cook something with cheese in it.

Keto and water

In order to eat a ketogenic meal, you naturally have to eat a larger portion of fat. This translates into an elevated E factor in the calculation. This is normal and is to be expected for keto eating. Luckily there is a solution for those keto dieters: water. Just drink more water and the E factor will go down. An average keto meal needs at least 480g of water to raise the energy value.