Drinking Tea

An ancient remedy

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Tea, which is a derivative of the plant camellia sinensis, is made from the leaves of the Camellia bush. It is a drink consumed throughout the world and is known for its numerous health benefits. In India, tea is an important part of Indian culture and is considered a part of their heritage. However, the true history of tea is not known to many people in the western world.

Tea can be divided into three main categories – green tea, black tea, and oolong tea. Of these three categories, the most popular and served in the greatest quantity is the black tea, which is the main article of tea in India. Over 70 percent of tea is consumed within India alone, but some other famous teas, like Assam and Darjeeling also grow largely on the subcontinent.


The history of tea plants can be traced back to ancient China, where it was used as a medicine. Research has shown that tea plants played a significant role in the ancient Chinese medical system. They have been found to contain curative ingredients and also used as herbal medicines and aphrodisiacs by the ancient Chinese. Ancient Egyptians also used the leaves of the tea plant to cure various ailments including anemia, diarrhea, toothaches, nausea, indigestion, asthma, rheumatism, and even epilepsy. During the medieval period, when the European population was expanding significantly, tea plants became a favorite addition to every table and was served to every household as a part of a healthy diet.

During the early nineteenth century, the drink tea was developed commercially. The process of tea fermentation, when hot water is boiled with loose leaves of the tea plant, is often referred to as wu-long, which is a key factor behind the character of oolong tea. The final result of this process is a caffeine-free tea with a strong aroma and a complex flavor. As the name implies, oolong tea can only be consumed after the fermentation process has been completed, giving it a rather unique and complex flavor.

Since ancient times, teas from many plants have been used as medicinal treatments. Many teas have been discovered to have strong anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, as well as being able to slow down the oxidation process in the body, improving cardiovascular health and combating cancerous cells.

Benefits of drinking tea

There are several different health effects that occur when tea is consumed on a regular basis. Some of these include lowering of cholesterol, controlling blood pressure, lowering of triglycerides, preventing heart attacks and strokes, and more. Based on these results, tea may be effective in helping with a number of health problems. However, the majority of these health effects may result from the consumption of extremely large amounts of tea. Therefore, the optimum amount to consume is determined by your particular lifestyle and symptoms.

When you think about the possible health benefits of tea drinking, the first things to come to mind are that it may help with reducing cholesterol and triglycerides, since it contains high amounts of antioxidants. In addition, tea drinking may contribute to reducing the formation of bad LDL cholesterol and heavy metals like lead. However, while many of these health benefits can be derived from the common constituents found in tea, there are also some benefits that are obtained through the use of special tea ingredients. The health effects of these ingredients vary depending on the type of tea that you are drinking, so it may be helpful to review the types of tea that you consume regularly.

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Green tea leaves have been found to be effective against LDL and triglyceride buildup. Scientists have even suggested that green tea leaves may reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering LDL cholesterol levels and improving blood vessel functions. In laboratory studies, the antioxidant polyphenols present in tea leafs were able to reduce the blood pressure of people who were at high risk for hypertension. They were also able to reduce detectable levels of cholesterol in the blood samples taken from these people. Although the study was conducted on animals, the results of this research suggest that the tea leafs may be beneficial to humans in the same way.

On the other hand, tea leaves that contain catechins have been found to reduce the risk of stroke in laboratory studies. Because the catechins are able to reduce cholesterol levels, they can contribute to heart health by reducing the buildup of blood vessels and plaques within the arteries. It is not known how the catechins contribute to cardiovascular health, but research is ongoing. At the very least, tea leaves that contain detectable amounts of catechins appear to reduce the risks of cardiac arrest and heart failure, as well as reducing the buildup of plaque within the arteries.

It is not known whether drinking tea actually has any effect on a person’s health or whether there are any interactions between tea and prescription medication. However, people who are already taking prescription medications should speak with their physician before adding tea to their daily routine. Tea can contain caffeine, which can be problematic if you are taking medication designed to treat hypertension or high blood pressure. Caffeine can cause nausea and insomnia, two symptoms that may become dangerous when combined with a prescribed medicine.

Author: T Ross

I spent the first part of my life playing piano and composing music. I graduated from UCLA with a degree in music composition and cognitive science. Then I became a User Interface Engineer for four years. I moved home to Raleigh, NC to be closer to my family and began to freelance. On the side, I created a company called Elemental Nutrition & Wellness that uses interactive resource calculators to give people the tools they need to lose weight and boost nutrition. Now I have my own practice as a holistic nutritionist. I help people meet their weight loss goals by fostering self-motivation. You can reach me at ross@elementalnutritionandwellness.com.

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