Balance is key

Finding balance between nutrition and energy.

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Eating nothing but leafy greens will never provide enough energy. Eating nothing but sugar will never provide enough nutrition and will lead to weight gain. Eating healthy is about balancing energy and nutrition so your body gets all that it needs. Notice in the first formation below that the nutrition profile is wonderful, but it is almost devoid of energy. Similarly, in the second formation, there is the perfect amount of energy, but it’s devoid of nutrition. The goal of the calculators is to help create balance when planning your meals.

Too much nutrition, not enough energy:

Too much energy, not enough nutrition:

Perfect balance between energy and nutrition:

Author: T Ross

I spent the first part of my life playing piano and composing music. I graduated from UCLA with a degree in music composition and cognitive science. Then I became a User Interface Engineer for four years. I moved home to Raleigh, NC to be closer to my family and began to freelance. On the side, I created a company called Elemental Nutrition & Wellness that uses interactive resource calculators to give people the tools they need to lose weight and boost nutrition. Now I have my own practice as a holistic nutritionist. I help people meet their weight loss goals by fostering self-motivation. You can reach me at

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