How to exercise effectively without chronic cardio.
Exercise, though only 20% of weight loss, is a very important component of overall health and wellness. A primal lifestyle emphasizes 3 elements of a healthy routine: 1) move a lot every day, 2) carry heavy things, 3) sprint every now and then.
Our ancestors moved a lot in order to forage and find the best foods. Move a lot means finding creative ways to stay moving during the times when sitting in a chair at a desk. Invest in a stand up desk or even better, a stand up desk and a treadmill. Moving a lot helps the body to burn fat and prevents metabolic syndrome. Move a lot every day.
Carrying heavy things is something our ancestors did to carry a kill back to the village or carry water from the river. Carrying heavy things can be done in a variety of ways. Do strength training at the gym, do body weight exercises like push ups or sit ups, or carry a medicine ball. Carry heavy things 30 min 3-5 days a week.
Our ancestors sprinted from time to time in order to 1) outrun predators or 2) chase down prey. Engage in 30 second sprints once or twice a week.
Doing the exercises above will prime for fat burning not sugar burning, as long as eating primal is a priority.
One way to increase your mobility is a jog or walk 3-5 times a week. Step 1: Determine your MAF heart rate which can easily be calculated by 180-your age. Step 2: Get a fitbit so you can monitor your heart rate. Step 3: Jog or walk at or beneath your MAF 30 minutes 3-5 days a week (you don’t want to overdo it).
Trapped in a cycle of “chronic cardio”, it’s possible to push too hard and load up on carbs after a big workout. This will make it difficult to prosper because fat burning can only happen with a medium intensity workout determined by your MAF heart rate. If your heart rate is above your MAF, your body is burning sugar which leads to sugar cravings when not exercising.